Change of Name – Complete Process defined

By Team Legal Helpline India, June 15, 2019

Change of name complete process in education certificates, passports, etc is as per the procedure prescribed for change of name under law. Since it involves various agencies and there are inbuilt check and balances in the process it is complex.

Change of name thus requires a clear process coupled with permission from the authorities concerned. It is always better to do the change of name under the supervision of a trained lawyer. The process of change of name in India is in several stages which we have tried to explain below so that you can get some idea of the same. The process of change of name in India is not prescribed under any law as it is only a procedural thing so there is no prescribed law for the same. The process of change of name in India is thus done keeping in mind the problem faced by the person or the issues involved. There are some instances where change of name is required:

i) Change of name after marriage of female.

ii) Change of name of a person on the basis of some astrological advice.

iii) Change of name due to mistakes of spelling and pronunciation.

iv) Change of name in Passport.

V) Change of name in educational certificates.

vi) Change of name due to other reasons.

Stages of changing the name in India


Affidavit giving all details of the earlier name and the proposed change in name with reasons explaining the same is required to swear before the competent authority or the oath commissioner.

The affidavit for change of name is generally on the stamp paper of Rs 10. Different states have prescribed the different value of the stamp papers for change of name hence one needs to verify the value of the stamp paper to be used for change of name for the affidavit.

Stage II:

The public notice in a daily newspaper in the region is to be given with all the details. The format of notice for change of name is standardard which can be used. It is preferable that the notice of change of name is issued in two newspapers of the region. One national newspaper and the other regional newspaper.

Stage III:

After the publication of the notice in the newspaper, the copy of the newspaper along with the affidavit of name change is to be submitted for issuance of the gazette notification by the state government. The format for change of name is prescribed which needs to be used.

The fees for publication of the notice for changing the name in the Gazette is prescribed which is paid. Once fees for change of name is paid, the gazette notification for change in name is issued in the Gazette.

A copy of the gazette notification for the change in name is thereafter collected by the person and the process for change of name is complete.


Please keep in mind that the changing a name is different from the correction in name and the process for the same is prescribed separately.

Change your name in the educational certificate is a separate process prescribed by the particular organization which needs to be followed.

The process of changing the name described by us above is the first stage thereafter the rest of the process starts.

The format of the name change affidavit format is given on this link which can be downloaded free.

Name Change Affidavit Format – Download PDF Now

If you want to change your name after marriage or before marriage for any purpose mail us the problem along with supportive documents.

From Advocate Umesh Sharma

We will be happy to help you.

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