Legal Services

Advocate Delhi

IMPORTANT: For urgent requirements of Advocate Delhi, mail us the fact through contact us page of our website . We have in house strong team of Civil advocate Delhi who can take up the matter immediately for quick relief.

Advocate Delhi For excellent Online Legal Services:

Online legal advice services by Advocate Delhi through e-mail, chatting, Skype, video conferencing, teleconferencing, personal conferencing for quick, easy and effective legal advice for all legal problems.

Online legal documentation and legal drafting services through highly qualified and trained Advocate Delhi for the drafting of agreements, contracts, property documents, title documents like sale deed, GPA, SPA and all other legal documents by team of our legal experts.

Advocate Delhi for all types of litigation services before all courts of Delhi with pro active strategy and quick services.

Advocate Delhi for handling all complex legal problems with precision and accuracy.

Advocate Delhi for handling criminal cases, civil cases, appeals, complaints, PILs, Writ petitions, SLP, consumer court cases with accuracy.

Advocate Delhi For Civil Matters:

Civil advocate Delhi for all legal services related to civil disputes, filling and defending civil suits, civil injunction suits, civil recoveries, mandatory injunctions, permanent injunctions.

All other types of civil disputes related to property, business and all other matters by team of Civil advocate Delhi.

Filing and defending all types of civil defamation suits before the Civil Courts by Civil advocate Delhi.

Filing and defending of all civil damages suits for all secured, liquidated damages by Civil advocate Delhi.

All legal services about enforcement and breach of contract matters in property laws, business laws, personal laws, employment laws and all other related laws in India by Civil advocate Delhi.

Advocate Delhi For Criminal Matters:

Online legal services of the drafting of criminal complaints online, legal advice online by highly qualified team of Advocates in Delhi.

All services related to Regular Bails, Anticipatory Bails and all other criminal matters. Team of highly qualified and trained Advocates in Delhi. Services in all bail matters at Sessions Courts, High Court, and Supreme Court.

For handling all types of Police cases, cases related to Customs, Income Tax, FEMA, DRI, ED, FOREX where criminal prosecution is involved.

Drafting, filing, advising and defending Cheque bouncing cases before criminal courts, tribunals related to the Negotiable Instruments Act.

Legal advice, legal services related to all kinds of dowry cases, drafting of complaints, defending proceedings before the Crime against Women Cell.

All services related to defending and filing of IPR, Patent, and Trademark violation cases before criminal courts in the matters involving the violation of trade mark, patent, IPR and all other related matters in the IPR which involve criminal prosecution.

Legal services related to offences under the IT Act in India.

Filing and defending criminal complaints, criminal prosecution cases related to cheating, forgery and other related criminal offences in India.

All legal services about criminal trials in India before the trial courts, Sessions Court, High Court.

Filing and defending criminal appeals before Sessions Court, High Court, and Supreme Court of India.

Advocate For Family Laws in Delhi:

All legal services related to all family law matters in India including the matrimonial disputes, adoptions, family partitions, successions, probates, wills gifts, family settlements, and inheritance.

Legal advice and legal documentation services on the subject of divorce, maintenance, restitution, judicial separations, and permanent alimony.

Best Legal services about launching and defending all kinds of litigation, cases of divorce, maintenance, restitution of conjugal rights, judicial separation, cruelty, adultery and all related legal matters.

Legal advice, litigation services for all matrimonial disputes, divorce matters, guardianship matters, custody of child matters, visitation rights, and adoption and probate matters.

Drafting and vetting of all kinds of divorce petitions, separation petitions, adoption petitions, divorce agreements by expert advocate Delhi.

Services related to grant of Probate which include the probate estate, probate will, probate process, probate proceedings for issuance of a letter of administration with will annexed.

Online legal services for online legal forms, online legal documentation related to family and guardianship laws in India by expert and highly qualified advocate Delhi.

Expert advocate Delhi for all types of Legal advice and legal services for various matters about guardianship matters, custody of child matters, visitation rights, and adoptions.

Legal advice on all family settlements, relinquishment, and all other related subjects.

Advocate For Business and Commercial Laws in Delhi:

All legal advice and services of business laws by expert advocate Delhi.

All services of Indian business and commercial laws with quality and precision.

Recovery of money, business dues, supply dues, breach of contract dues, damages.

Services related to formation and incorporation of the company in India by team of expert advocate Delhi.

All services related to launching a business in India and business start up services in India with proper legal compliance of RBI and all other legal and statutory bodies regulating foreign trade in India.

Formation of JV, partnerships, firms, LLP and all types of business organizations in India.

All legal services for enforcement and execution of foreign decrees award in India and recover of money from the awards from foreign courts, foreign arbitration tribunals.

All taxation advice in India related to business laws which include Income tax advice, Sales tax advice, Service tax advice, VAT advice, Customs duty advice, Excise duty advice.

All compliance advice related to business laws in India.

Advocate Delhi For Property Laws:

All legal services in the fields of property laws through the team of highly qualified and trained Advocate Delhi.

Legal advice related to FDI in India including FDI in real estate in India, FDI in retail in India.

All legal advices and compliance services related to FDI in India, advice on FDI policy in India and all other related issues.

Advice for real estate policies and laws in India related to the development of real estate projects, townships, development of colonies, change of land use matters, compliance with various laws for real estate sector in India.

All services for drafting and registration of all property transfer documents, sale deeds, GPA, SPA, Agreement to Sale, Letter of intent, Gift, Will and all other related documents about property laws in India.

All legal services for property disputes, purchase and sale, transfer, construction, partition, evaluation, conversion, lease, license and all other related issues.

Filing and defending of legal proceedings, civil and criminal cases in the fields of property laws in India.

Online advice on all contingent property law matters for instant legal advice and instant solutions by the team of highly qualified and trained legal brains who can provide a quick and easy solution to complex legal problems with accuracy.

Online legal drafting services in the fields of property laws on the specific needs of the clients.

All services pertaining to arbitration and conciliation in property dispute matters.

All legal advice for all kinds of property acquisitions, sale and purchase of property, transfer of property.

Due Diligence services for all kinds of properties for getting the details of title, ownership, user, compliances and all other aspects of the property laws in India.

Advocate For Cyber and IT Law Services in Delhi:

All legal services related to cyber and information technology laws.

Legal advice on cyber laws and cyber disputes.

Launching and defending domain name disputes (DNS) services.

Important legal services related to disputes of hacking, cyber squatting, domain name wrestling, domain name registration dispute remedies and all related services in cyber laws.

All legal services about launching and defending administrative process for domain name disputes in cyber laws.

Legal advice for SLAs, service agreements, disclaimers, notices, announcements and other terms and conditions of the website.

Drafting and vetting of terms and conditions for domains, websites, and portals.

Advising and handling of all copy right infringements on the internet.

Legal documentation, contract vetting and all allied services about the Cyber Laws.

All services about IPR related issues in Cyber Laws.

For handling the matters pertaining to the hacking of web sites.

For contesting cyber squatting matters.

Advocate For IPR, Copyright, Trade Mark, Patent in Delhi:

Expert legal services for IPR, copyright, patent, trade mark through the team of highly qualified and trained lawyers who can provide a quick and effective remedy to all complex legal problems.

Advocate Delhi for legal services for Patent and brand protection services including litigation services for IPR, patent, trade mark violations and all other related issues.

Registration of copyright, trade mark, patents.
For drafting, filing and defending the patents, trademarks.

Global IPR Registration Services.

Licensing of IPR.

Consultation on IPR Transactions.

IPR Protection and Management Services.

All IPR Taxation Planning Services.

For IPR Dispute Resolution and Litigation services at all levels.

Filing and defending of civil injunctions against patent and trade mark violations.

Advocate Delhi For Company Laws:

Legal advice and all legal services in the fields of company law through our team of highly qualified and trained legal brains who can provide quick and easy solutions to all complex legal problems in the fields of Company laws in India.

Online legal advice and online legal services in the fields of Company laws in India.

Important services about registration and incorporation of companies, drafting of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for incorporation of the Companies.

Legal services for the formation of a foreign company, branch office, and liaison office.

Services for mergers, JVs, LLP and all kinds of business organizations and business arrangements.

All kinds of legal documentation, compliances of the Company Law.

Legal services related to the drafting of agreements pertaining to takeovers, mergers, de-mergers, share transfer agreements.

Services were pertaining to compliances before the Registrar of Companies, Company Law Board, and Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Legal services related to formation and incorporation of companies, private limited companies, public limited companies, NBFC, FII.

Startup services for foreign bodies in India with the entire setup for advice, compliances.

Services related to permits and compliances to be obtained from RBI in India about the operation of various kinds of activities by foreign operators in India.

All services related to the handling of the cases about Company Law board matters.

For handling share disputes of companies.

All services are about advice on overseas collaborations.

Advocate Delhi For Arbitration and Conciliation Law Services :

Legal advice on arbitration cases in India through the team of highly qualified and trained legal brains.

Legal documentation, contract vetting and all allied services about the Arbitration Laws.

Arbitration matters, enforcement of arbitration awards and foreign arbitration award.

Indian arbitration law documentation- drafting of Indian arbitration agreement, arbitration clause.

Hotline for all contingent Indian arbitration law matters to provide online legal advice and online legal services.

Services for Enforcement of foreign awards, foreign decrees and recovery of money in India.

Legal services about drafting and enforcing of the arbitration agreements.

Legal services for conducting arbitration cases.

Legal services for challenging the arbitration awards.

Legal services for International arbitration litigation.

Legal advice on all issues related to the Arbitration & Mediation Laws in India.

Online lawyer chat to provide online legal forms, online legal documentation related to arbitration law.

Arbitration law advice and services about drafting and enforcing of the arbitration agreement, conducting arbitration cases, enforcing the arbitration awards, challenging the arbitration awards, international arbitration services.

Launching and defending Arbitration proceedings.

Legal services about Conciliation and ADR matters.

Advocate For Tax Law Advice in Delhi:

Legal services on all tax laws in India.

Advocate Delhi for Tax appeals.

Tax law compliance’s and returns by expert Advocates in Delhi.

Tax law documentation.

All matters related to tax law in India.

GST advice.

Gift Tax, Wealth Tax services and legal advice by experts.

Filing of ITR, returns of taxes, litigation services in the fields of income tax.

Advice and filing of Income Tax Returns (ITR), Dual Taxation advice, foreign tax advice, Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) compliances, Compliance of the RBI Guidelines for investors, foreign investments.

Online legal advice on all tax law matters to provide online legal advice and online legal services.

Advocate For Service Laws in Delhi:

Legal services for all kinds of CCA and CCS cases related to Government employment.

Legal advice and legal services for all kinds of disciplinary cases, misconducts, termination, transfer, removal and all other service law disputes.

Online legal advice on all matters related to government employment, CCA and CCS cases.

Drafting and filing of cases before CAT related to appointment, transfer, termination in government employment.

Handling of cases before High Court, Supreme Court against the administrative orders, appeals.

Filing cases against charge sheets, suspension and other incidences of employment.

Advocate For Labour Laws in Delhi:

Services pertaining to the compliance of all labour laws.

Legal services pertaining to ESI, EPF advice.

Shops and Establishment advice and registration services.

Drafting and vetting of employment contracts.

Advice and documentation of all labour laws.

Launching and defending all kinds of labour cases including Industrial disputes, labour disputes, strikes, lock outs, closures, retrenchment, lay-off matters.

For challenging of awards passed by the labour courts, Industrial tribunals, Central Government Industrial Tribunals.

Advocate For Consumer Protection Laws in Delhi:

All legal services in consumer protection laws in India by highly qualified Advocates with accuracy and precison.

Drafting and filing of all types of complaints under Section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

For all legal services under consumer protection litigation by expert team of advocates in Delhi.

Advocate Delhi for CCI matters.

Filing and defending appeals against the orders of Consumer courts.

Legal advice on all issues related to the Consumer Laws in India.

Services about litigation in the field of consumer laws.

Drafting of complaints, contesting and defending consumer complaints.

For consumer law documentation- drafting of terms and conditions of use, disclaimer, and disclosure.

Advocate For Banking Laws in Delhi:

Banking law advice and services in India through the team of highly qualified and trained legal brains.

Compliance services with RBI guidelines, circulars, OMs about financial transactions.

Advising on all kinds of loan restructuring, pre-closure deferred payment issues, NPA settlements, revivals, and debt restructuring, and interest reduction, take over arrangements from banks, FIs or private sources.

Recovery of bank loan services by expert Civil advocate Delhi.

Legal service for all DRT and DRAT matters by expert Civil advocate Delhi.

Legal services for Negotiable Instruments Act matters, Cheque bouncing matters.

Legal services for FEMA compliances.

Legal advice on all bank loan matters.

NBFC compliances.

Banking law documentation.

Defending and instituting debt recovery cases before civil courts, Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRT), Appeals at Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal (DRAT), SARFASI Act matters.

Launching and defending Negotiable Instrument cases under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act matters about bouncing of cheques, dishonour of cheques, dishonour of negotiable instruments.

Legal advice and documentation on all kinds of mortgage matters.

For advising and documentation services for all kinds of Over Drafting (OD) limits with banks.

Legal services related to Mortgages, collateral securities, and other securities.

Indian banking law matters to provide online Indian legal advice and online Indian legal services.

For online Indian lawyer chat and to provide online Indian legal forms, online Indian legal documentation related to banking laws.

Advocate For Constitutional Laws in Delhi:

All legal services in the fields of Constitutional laws.

Filing and defending of Writs of Mandamus, Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Quo Warranto, and Prohibition.

Filing and defending SLPs before the Supreme Court of India.

Filing and defending Public Interest Litigation (PIL).
Advising on Constitutional law matters.

Providing online legal drafting services in the fields of Constitutional laws.

Advocate For International Laws in Delhi:

Advice For all services of international laws.

Legal services for interpretation of international agreements.

Legal services of drafting and vetting international agreements through the team of highly qualified and trained legal brains.

Legal advice on dual taxation matters, international treaty and all other related topics of law.

Legal advice for citizenship, residency, VISA disputes, migration, immigration and all other related issues.

Legal advice and the related to all kinds of International arbitration, enforcement, and implementation of foreign decrees, judgments.

Legal services of drafting and vetting of International agreements, collaborations, joint ventures, International dual tax matters.

All legal services of enforcement and interpretation of international agreements and implications of the Maritime laws.

All legal services related to obtaining necessary government permissions, permits, and compliances for international houses.

Services for the NRIs- legal advice for startup services, all kinds of documentations, the formation of society for NRI, charitable trust for NRIs and all other kinds of documentation related to the NRIs.

All contingent International law matters to provide online legal advice and online legal services.

Online lawyer chat and to provide online legal forms, online Indian legal documentation related to International law.

Legal advice on International business collaborations and all other related services.

Legal advice on Joint Ventures, Collaborations and other modes of business in India.

Legal services for the interpretation of international agreements, collaborations, joint ventures, international dual tax matters, enforcement and interpretation of international agreements maritime laws, immigration, customs, import-export advice, citizenship matters, visa consultancy, Passport Act cases, and advice.

Legal services for necessary government permissions, permits, and ensuring all compliances.

Legal services of compliance of FEMA guidelines, Permissions from RBI for Liaison office, Representative Office, Branch Office and all kinds of services in this connection Services related to compliance with FEMA guidelines, permissions from RBI for liaison office, representative office, and branch office.

Legal advice on anti-dumping law and compliances of various legal requirements in this regard.

Legal services about foreign exchange management regulations in India, foreign exchange deposit regulations 2000 in India, foreign exchange management transfer or issue of any foreign security regulations 2004, foreign exchange management in India, foreign exchange management insurance regulations 2000, and grant of foreign exchange permits.

Advocate For Environmental Laws:

Legal services in the fields of environmental laws, NGT cases by team of expert Lawyers in Delhi.

Legal advice supported with documentation for all legal compliances under the Environmental Protection Act and all other related notifications.

Legal services for Environmental Impact Assessment services for the projects including housing projects, mining projects, construction projects, road projects.

Advising and preparing appropriate reports about the Environmental Impact Assessment for various types of projects.

Advising and preparing compliance reports for various types of environmental permissions.

Advising and filing applications for the grant of consent to establish under the water and air Act.

For filing of appeal before the Appellate Authority under the Water and the Air Act against the decisions of the Board of Pollution Control.

Advice and services about extraction of water from Central Ground Water Authority.

For legal advice and services about the Environmental Audits of industries, projects, etc.

Legal services pertaining to the compliances under the Mining Laws and preparation and submission of plans for mining and excavation of ores from the mines.

For preparation and submission of mining plans for approval from the State Mining Board and the Indian Bureau of Mines, Government of India.

Services related to Environmental clearance for Eco Sensitive Zones.

Services related to obtaining necessary government permissions, permits, and compliances under The Environmental Protection Act.

Contesting all the matters about the denial of Consent to Establish or other prosecutions under the Environmental Protection Act.

Environmental law.

Environmental law documentation.

For online legal services related to online legal forms, online legal documentation related to Environmental Law.

Advocate For Land Revenue Matters:

Legal services for all kinds of land revenue matters.

All legal services in the field of land revenue by expert Civil advocate Delhi.

Mutation, acquisition, award, land use change (CLU), compensation, notification, de-notification matters.

Legal services related to all kinds of land revenue disputes.

Legal Advice, documentation in all matters about various kinds of the land revenue matters.

Challenge to land acquisition matters.

Change of land use matters.

Challenge to land acquisition awards.

Litigation services about land revenue matters which include challenges to the land acquisition award, compensation against land acquisition, consolidation awards, and appeals.

Services of mutation of the land, partition, demarcation.
For services about verification of land title, revenue records, ownership records, possession records.

Services of land use change application, survey of the land.

Online Indian lawyer chat and to provide online legal forms, online Indian legal documentation related to land revenue laws.


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